What is Employment Path?
Employment Path Services are services to provide learning and work experiences. It may including volunteer opportunities. The goal of Employment Path Services is for an individual to develop general employment skills that may be used in an integrated job. These are time limited services as outlined in your ISP, which means they can only be used until your goal has been met. Specific goals will be written into your ISP and will be reached through an ongoing person-centered planning process.
What is Job Development?
A Job Developer identifies job opportunities in the workplace where your skills match the employers need. Job Development may include support with the application and interview process, and visits with potential employers.
“Rockwest groups help us with sorting, putting together kits, and other projects that require more hands-on assembly type tasks. By outsourcing the kits, we can produce them for a lower cost, and we get more business due to the lower overhead.”
Ron Pizzuto
Operations Manager
R&S Industrial Supplies

What is Job Coaching?
Once you have obtained an individual integrated job, Job Coaching is available to help you learn the new tasks and support your transition into your new job. Job Coaches can assist in teaching new skills if you are moved to a new position or are seeking promotion. They can help you build relationships with your coworkers, learn about the rules of the business, and support you in being successful at work.
What is Discovery?
If you need more information in order to help you find out what you want to do for your career, you may request to be referred to a service called Discovery. This is a short-term service where you will explore employment through work experiences, informal interviews, and other activities designed to explore your interests and strengths. This may include a visit to your home, several different community settings, and may include arranging volunteer or work experience opportunities in order to search for the type of jobs that best match your interests and strengths.

What is Small Group Supported Employment?
Interested in gaining a job skill or learning a trade? We have highly skilled staff teaching specific job skills, including: sewing on an industrial sewing machine and material handling, screen printing on garments, machine embroidery operations, and other skills needed for the trade. Additional training includes: food handler’s certification, operating a cash register, working with an inventory, merchandising, and customer service.
“We have Rockwest small groups come in and assemble our kits, prepare bolt assemblies, and sort nails. It helps us as we’re not stopping production, and we’re able to get orders out.”
Ray Thomas
Warehouse Lead
Industrial Fasteners
Job Development & Placement
Our center has an Employment Specialist on staff to assist people who want to explore job options, prepare for and look for a specific job, and find a job that matches a person’s skills and interests. Rockwest also works cooperatively with Vocational Rehabilitation to provide individualized services.

For further information, please contact our Client Services Manager:

Heather Berndt
Client Service Manager